
Praise Him

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Black Sheep! Oh how times have changed!

~ Unless you were raised under a rock most of us at one time or another have felt like a black sheep in society. Not quite like the others, or maybe a little on the baaaaad side. (pardon the pun) If you are anything like me you would have gone through the wild and crazy stereo-typical teen years. I was most definitely the black sheep. Life was not good, I did not feel blessed, I was alone (aside that is from the many friends I had that were also going down the big wide path to a fiery demise) I felt like life hated me, like God hated me. I wasn't a believer and most definitely wasn't saved, however (in hind sight) I realize now that even when I was the worst of sinners God had a plan for me, He was watching out for me even when I denied Him. Once God starts a work in you He will finish! What a blessing that is. All those times when I could have been killed, when my daughter had major brain surgery and should have died but lived, when I narrowly escaped really bad situation after bad situation... All of this was God's work. He new me before I was formed and His plan all along has been for me to be His. One of the flock, once lost, found and saved by grace! Because of my devious past I really feel strongly about witnessing to teens and young adults who are traipsing down the road to ruin. I was fortunate enough to have someone in my life who was relentless in her attempts to pluck me from the fire, I only pray that God will use me in the same way. So, times have really changed and so has my life. God has miraculously changed me from an out of control addict to a self controlled believer, from a rebellious feminist to an obedient follower, from a scared and cowardly atheist to a strong and faithful witness. All things are possible through Him, our Redeemer and Saviour! Praise the Lord for His unfailing, unwavering love for the lost and broken black sheep.

God Bless you and yours,

1 comment:

Liisa said...

What a wonderful post! You are an inspiration!

With love,