
Praise Him

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

hard times and help...

~ If there is one thing I have learned over the last few years since having become a Christian, it is that being "saved" does not in any way,shape or form mean that your life will be nothing but lollipops and roses. Bad things still happen. in some cases horrible things still happen. There is one key difference however. Once you are saved and have the understanding and love of our Saviour and God the big stuff seems smaller. Take today for example. My bills are piling up, I have to find a home for my puppy because we can't keep her, my parents are about to leave for their new home out west, I am having trouble with a friend who is trying to lead me astray and my children have decided that I am unfair and they hate me (which is an every other day occurrence when you have teens, well my teens anyway) but you know what? God loves me, He has always provided and helped me keep my sanity and if I keep myself focused on Him and not me and my issues the issues get smaller and smaller until they are gone. That is the miracle of having a personal relationship with God. He doesn't say come to me and I will make sure you never suffer again. He says come to me and you won't have to go it alone. He has my back and I have His. What an awesome God we have! It is a misconception that God will take everything that is bad or wrong or hurtful and you will never struggle again but boy oh boy i can't imagine having to have a day like today without God by my side. How did i ever live with out the knowledge of Him i will never know!

Hope your day is as blessed by His presence as mine!

1 comment:

Liisa said...

Incredible post. I know your words will be a blessing to everyone who reads this!

With love,